Get Better Skin in Your Sleep


If you’re like most adults, you probably aren’t getting quite enough sleep. I know, staying up late is FUN if you’re a night owl. But there are lots of skincare reasons to try to get a little more sleep (not to mention the emotional and mental benefits!)

  1. Your body (especially skin) repairs itself when you are asleep.

  2. Sleep deprivation causes an increase in cortisol which can lead to more acne.

  3. Skin cells regenerate more quickly at night. This means more collagen, the protein responsible for skin elasticity, is produced while you are asleep!

We could go on but I think you get the point—good sleep is a stepping stone to great skin! Here are our top 5 tips skincare tips for your bedtime routine! 

  1. WASH.YOUR.FACE. Going to bed with a clean face is one of the top things you can do to prevent breakouts. Even if you didn’t wear makeup, cleansing your face of sunscreen, dirt, and sweat is important. Here’s a link to our oil-based cleanser!

  2. Ditch your dirty pillowcase. When you sleep sweat and oil from your face get on your pillow. We recommend having a couple extra pillowcases so you can swap out for a clean one often!

  3. If you are having trouble sleeping, magnesium is an excellent sleep aid. It tells the nervous system to quiet and calm down (great if you are feeling anxious). It’s best to take it about 1-2 hours before bed. And a bonus—it helps with cellular regeneration and repair so it will help your skin glow!

  4. Don’t skip eye cream. The delicate skin around your eyes needs a little extra love most days. After removing all traces of makeup, apply some eye cream before bed so it can soak in overnight. 

  5. Sleep hydrated! No one wants to wake up for middle of the night bathroom trips, but make sure you are hydrated throughout the day. Dehydration can leave your skin dry and lackluster. And if the air in your room feels particularly dry, try sleeping with a humidifier. 

How do you prepare for bedtime? What tips did we miss?
