Do You Have a Pregnancy Skincare Routine?


Pregnancy is truly a miracle. To think that you have another life growing inside of you…incredible. At this moment, probably more than any other time in your life, you care about what goes into your body and what you put on your body because it all affects that amazing baby. Here’s a simple, full-body, non-toxic skincare routine for you!


  1. Moisturizer: Do pregnancy hormones have your skin feeling particularly dry? Wake your skin up with a few drops of moisturizer!

  2. Sunscreen: Hopefully this is a normal part of your skincare routine already, but if not, there’s no time like the present to start wearing daily sunscreen. Your future skin will thank you! We recommend this one from Beauty Counter.

  3. Makeup: Honestly, most days we can’t be bothered with too much makeup. But if you’re a makeup lover, try sticking with brands with clean ingredients. Again, I love Beauty Counter, but there are lots of great clean beauty brands that have hit shelves in the past few years!

  4. Belly Oil: Pregnancy is not easy on your belly. That’s why we created Belly Oil! It hydrates, soothes itchiness, decreases stretch marks, and improves the elasticity of skin. Add some belly oil before you get going for a more comfortable day!


  1. Cleanser: It’s important to cleanse your skin at the end of the day to remove makeup, dirt, and other impurities. We recommend our best selling Facial Cleanser!

  2. Acne Roller: Some of us get lucky with that natural “pregnancy glow,” but a lot of us experience hormonal changes that reintroduce acne into our lives! Swipe our acne roller over problem spots before bed!

  3. Body Oil & Belly Oil: If the rest of your body is feeling dry, rub on some Body Oil to moisturize your skin before bed. We also recommend some more belly oil at night!
