EVERYTHING You Need to Know About the Oil Cleansing Method


If you’ve followed Annie James for any amount of time, you’ve probably realized that we talk about our Facial Cleanser a lot. It was our first product, and it’s still our most popular. But if you’ve never used it before, you might have questions. So, we’ve rounded up all of our Oil Cleansing resources on this one page, as well as an instructional video on how to start oil cleansing. We know you’ll find it easy and simple.

What is Oil Cleansing?

Oil cleansing (or the Oil Cleansing Method aka OCM) is a skincare technique that dates back to ancient times. It involves placing natural oils on your face, then steaming it with a hot towel to remove makeup, dirt, sweat, and grime. It clears out dirt and makeup from your pores, balances out your skin's natural oils, and leaves you feeling moisturized. While makeup wipes and face washes strip your skin of moisture, oil cleansers balance the oil that your body naturally produces.

How Does Oil Cleansing Work?

One of the most basic principles of chemistry is that, “like dissolves like,” or in the case of Annie James skincare, “oil dissolves oil.” By using the right combination of oils, our cleanser will dissolve the makeup and grime on your face, leaving you with clean skin. It helps you rid your pores of bacteria naturally and effectively, while replacing the impurities with beneficial oils that can heal, protect, and nourish your skin.

How Do I Oil Cleanse?

The OCM is quick, easy, and simple! Here’s the lowdown: 

*Use oil cleanser in place of makeup wipes, soapy facial cleanser, face washes, micellar water, etc.

Step 1-Oil-Massage: Use 1/2 to 1 dropper-full of oil in your palm and massage into your dry skin, over make-up and all.

Step 2-Hot Towel Steam: Hold a washcloth under the hottest water you can handle, wring it out quickly, then cover your face with it until it cools.

Step 3-Wipe Away the Day: Once the washcloth has cooled (about a minute), wipe away your make-up and any oil that’s left sitting on your skin.

Step 4-Customize: It’s perfectly acceptable to oil cleanse and hop straight in bed. But if you want to customize your skincare routine further, apply other products right after oil cleansing. If you find you have seasonally dry skin, apply moisturizer. If you have some spots, swipe on our acne roller. Or if you are fighting dark circles, dab on some eye cream. The beauty of oil cleansing is that it’s totally layerable with other products.


Is Oil Cleansing Right for Me? 

The oil cleansing method is all about balancing your skin, so whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, you can benefit from oil cleansing. Plus, because our products are organic and all-natural, they are kid safe and good for sensitive skin (though always consult a dermatologist if you have particular skin concerns.)

Trouble-Shooting the Oil Cleansing Method

Oil cleansing is still relatively new in the United States, and many of you are still getting the hang of it. Our facial cleanser routine works well for many people, but we’re all different. If you aren’t loving the OCM yet, try troubleshooting your issues below. Here are some of the top snags you might run into with oil cleansing and how to fix them: 

I just started oil cleansing and my face feels so greasy: Two issues could be at play here. First, you might be using too much oil. We recommend half a dropper of our cleanser. Don’t slather your face in oil. Instead, focus on applying the oil in an even layer by massaging in circles for several minutes. Second, if you’re new to oil cleansing, your skin might need a few weeks to adjust. Overtime, your face’s oil production should even out to that perfectly-moisturized-but-not-too-greasy happy place.

I’m oil cleansing but my face still feels dry: There are many factors that can lead to dry skin—allergies, humidity levels and weather, dehydration, or the type of makeup you use. But regardless of outside factors, oil based skincare can help. For many people, oil cleansing gently moisturizes their face, leaving soft, but not greasy skin. But for some of us, our skin still feels dry. Many people like to finish their nightly oil cleanse with a few drops of moisturizer to make their skin feel extra soft overnight. If you find you’re prone to dry skin (or want to combat extra dryness in winter months), you may want to moisturize both after cleansing at night and again in the morning before applying any products or makeup. 

I’m oil cleansing and have facial redness: Many people find oil cleansing reduces skin irritation, but everyone is different. First, consider when the redness began: before you switched to oil cleansing or after? If you’ve noticed facial redness for a long time, consider the other skincare products or makeup in your routine. Slowly rotate one product out of your lineup at a time and see if you notice a difference. Second, make sure you are using a high quality, high SPF sunscreen every day. I know, it’s hard to remember, but your skin will thank you. Third, make sure your skin is properly moisturized. Dry skin can be easily irritated and lead to redness. Fourth, be careful how you exfoliate. Facial scrubs and brushes were all the rage for a while, but they are far too harsh for most people’s skin to handle. Skin should be gently exfoliated. Use a warm washcloth to slowly wipe away oil from your face. If the washcloth feels too scratchy, try switching to a microfiber cloth for cleansing. Another option is to add some more frankincense oil into your routine. We recommend using our Wrinkle Roller twice daily; the frankincense naturally soothes irritation and reduced redness. If all else fails, it may be time to see a dermatologist. Some types of facial redness are caused by medical conditions that a doctor can help treat.

I’m oil cleansing and I’m still noticing acne: First, make sure you are doing a thorough job of removing all the oil from your face at the end of a cleanse. The best way to do this is to wet a clean washcloth with the hottest water that feels comfortable and place the washcloth on your face. Let the washcloth sit on your face until it cools (1-2 minutes usually). Slowly wipe away all of the oil. Second, make sure you aren’t introducing bacteria to your face. Clean your pillowcase, washcloths, makeup brushes, and beauty blenders often. If this doesn’t seem to help, try adding some spot treatments to your routine. We love our acne roller which contains a blend of oils specifically made to fight bad bacteria that causes acne.



There you have it—allll the info you need to get started on your oil cleansing journey. Make sure you’re following us on Facebook or Instagram for skincare tips. If you have any questions, we LOVE sharing our knowledge with you. DM us on social media :)