Let's Talk About Stress Relief


So, 2020 was tough. And, honestly, 2021’s not looking great so far.
Like most of us, you’re probably feeling some stress from all the craziness -
both world-related and the kind that’s a little closer to home (i.e. work, family, friendships, etc.).
Now’s a great time to take simple steps toward relieving some of that stress.

Here are a few of the things I’m doing lately to take things down a notch.
I’m hoping one or more of these might help you, too.

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+ I’m a big fan of a gratitude journal. It helps me keep a healthy perspective on
ALL the things that are going well. (Coffee makes my list several times a month. (-; )

+ Vitamins! I’ve been taking supplements regularly for a year now and
for the first time in my adult life, I have reached NORMAL vitamin D levels.
(I highly recommend Ritual Vitamins.)

+ Being intentional with my time. For example, turning off screens or playing games
with my family instead of just watching TV together.

+ Hiking or long walks with friends, regardless of the weather.
(Just be sure to wear the gear the weather requires.)

+ Some form of stretching, whether it’s a yoga class or just gentle stretching on your living room floor.
Lengthening your muscles, which prevents soreness and fatigue, is a great way to relieve stress.

+ In the winter, I love a hot cup of lemon water. (Just squeeze 1/4-1/2 lemon in a mug and add hot water).
A hot drink in the afternoon feels like a good excuse to pause.

+ Read something for fun.

+ Simplify your schedule. It's ok to say no to things, which my husband reminds me of often!

+ + + + + +

I hope this list can be a catalyst for starting your new year off with less stress and more rest!

Love, Sarah (6).png

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