The Top 3 Skincare Ingredients We Avoid and Why

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When Annie James started, we committed to using only HIGH quality ingredients because YOU matter. That’s why we use organic ingredients and no B.S. (bad stuff). But with long ingredient lists and hard to pronounce chemicals, it’s hard to discern what is “bad stuff” these days. Thankfully there are many organizations with helpful online resources, such as the Environmental Working Group, that break down what’s really inside that bottle of skincare product.

Curious what our least favorite ingredients are? Three of them are listed below! Don’t worry- you’ll never find these in Annie James Products

  1. Artificial Fragrance: In the United States, companies can legally hide hundreds of known toxins in their ingredient list under the word “Fragrance.” But what is “fragrance?” Typically artificial fragrances are derived from petroleum based chemicals. Many of these have been known to cause cancer, disrupt hormones, and exacerbate allergies in children and adults. Artificial fragrance is in SO many things: haircare, candles, lotions, skincare, sunscreen, and more. Check your labels, friends! Companies that produce healthy products should have no problem telling you exactly what’s in their ingredient list. 

  2. Formaldehyde: You know, the chemical used to preserve dead things. It’s also used in wood production, glue, and, you guessed it, cosmetics. In Europe, products containing more than .05% formaldehyde-releasing preservatives must list formaldehyde as an ingredient. This rule doesn’t apply to the United States. Do your research!

  3. Parabens: You’ve probably heard of parabens, but what are they? This term refers to a group of chemicals that are widely used as a preservative in many skin and hair care products. While they are known to increase the shelf life of products, they also contribute to skin irritation, reproductive harm, and cancer! 

Because the skincare and cosmetics industry is largely unregulated, there are dozens, if not hundreds, or other ingredients to be wary of. At Annie James, we’re committed to using high-quality, natural ingredients (all of our ingredients are listed on our website!) so you can spend less researching skincare and more time doing the things you love! Discover natural skincare today!

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