Skincare Through (Your) Ages

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Let’s chat about what skincare looks like as you age because how you care for your skin NOW shows up LATER!
Healthy habits and the right products in your morning/night routines during your 20s and 30s
will help your skin be tighter, brighter and healthier in your 40s!

Remember, prevention is more effective than correction!

THE 20s

-Never sleep in your make-up

-Wear that sunscreen!

-Don’t overwash! Protect those natural oils your skin produces!

THE 30s

-In your 30s, as your hormone levels begin decreasing, the rate of collagen and elastin production lowers.
Your body’s overall process of producing skin cells slows down, meaning you’ll start seeing
more fine lines and wrinkles and a generally duller complexion.

-In addition to fine lines, you may also discover your skin is either newly dry or oily. 

-In this decade, your skin needs products that can care for dehydrated skin while rebalancing your complexion.

-Make-up wipes are too abrasive for your skin now, because they often use alcohol
to remove makeup quickly, which can lead to sensitivity and dehydration.

-This is when the dreaded crow’s feet start showing up. Start using eye cream now
and add a cleanser to help with cellular regeneration and minimizing pores.

-Wash your face at bedtime .

-Drink more water!

-Achieve a more youthful look with lightweight moisturizers and eye creams.


THE 40s


-Now you’re seeing wrinkles appear where your face moves the most (i.e. your forehead, between your eyebrows,
around your eyes and mouth.) In addition, sun damage is showing up as splotchiness or hyperpigmentation.

-Nighttime is the best time for your skin to repair itself, and starting with a clean face helps this process!

-You may notice your skin becoming drier in your mid-to-late forties as you approach menopause.

-Focus on promoting collagen and elastin: the duo of proteins that keep your complexion plump.




-Moisture is key! Use a gentle cleanser that won’t strip the pH balance of your skin and create more dryness.

-Use a moisturizer AM and PM.

-Be sure to stay hydrated!

-Celebrate each of those wrinkles because they tell your story!

Hope this helps, friends!.png
Love, Sarah (5).png