Katie's 3 Minute Daily Skincare Routine

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Hi Friends!

I’m Katie, founder of Annie James Skincare Products. 15 years ago, I began oil-cleansing daily with organic oils, and it totally changed my skin. If you’re unfamiliar, oil-cleansing is a very basic, one-step skincare routine. If you aren’t sure where to start with skincare, start with an oil cleanser. But, there are also a lot of great ways to supplement your oil-cleansing skincare routine with a few more extra steps and products.

So, in light of that, I thought it was time to share my personal skincare routine with you!

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1. First, I put about 3/4 dropper full of Lavender + Frankincense Face Cleanser in my hand and massage over my face and eyelashes (it’s great for removing mascara!). Then, I place a warm washcloth over my face to steam my skin before gently wiping away make-up and excess oil. (TIP: be sure to use a dark washcloth for this to protect your whites from oils and make-up stains).

2. After that, I gently smooth AJP eye cream under my eyes and on the tiny crinkles at the corners.

3. Next up is my AJP wrinkle roller on my cheeks to help with rosacea (Frankincense and Vitamin E are anti-inflammatories and can help calm redness).

4. Lastly, as I climb into bed, I apply AJP lip balm and then a quick swipe of the AJP lash conditioner to my upper lashes and gently rub in. 

5. Then it’s lights out for beauty sleep!

NOTE: If it’s been a long day and I’m feeling sleepy, I only do step one. (-;

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Nothing fancy here! I just splash a little water on my face and sunscreen. Sometimes, I also apply the wrinkle roller at the corners of my eyes.

Hope this helps! If you’ve got questions, feel free to get in touch with me!

Love, Sarah (6).png
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